Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dark Premonitions Second Sight Book Three

I'm pretty excited about what I have for you today. Some great screenshots of the book I formatted for Ms. Heather Topham Wood. She won the formatting in a giveaway I did on my author blog not too long ago. With her permission, I'm showing you the front matter of her book and a chapter opener.

You can buy the Kindle version of Dark Premonitions over on Amazon (as of today!) for just $3.49. Cover design isn't mine, but it sure is pretty. Check it out! When the print version goes live, I'll be linking it from the sidebars here on the site.

Now, that's something to write home to mama about! If you're interested in this service, you can find prices on our Print Book Formatting page. If you're ready to contact us, fill out our Contact Form.

Wouldn't you love a book that looks like this?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
