Monday, April 8, 2013

What to Expect

Hello, good people of the page! Jo here! Today, I'm editing the day away. I hope to get done with round two of Ms. Tia Bach's book, Chasing Memories, and get her to press by mid-month! We have a lot to do yet but great planning has been a huge help.

On that note, what does your editor look for? Well, here at IBGW, this is what we look for:
  • Sentence construction. We make sure your story flows well and doesn't have off topic sentences or errant commas sprinkled throughout.
  • Pronoun usage. This is something a lot of folks struggle with. We make sure every pronoun matches with the previously named person or item.
  • Tension. We read your book for tension and note places it could be pumped up a bit.
  • Grammar. Yes, We're grammar hounds. We search commonly misused words when we find them and provide you with a reference. You'll know why it was changed.
  • Punctuation. We make sure dialogue tags are marked accordingly.
  • Consistency. We look for the use of the S on the end of toward, backward, etc... and make sure you're using them the same way throughout. We also check your characters and make sure they're the same people all the way through.
  • Conjunctions. This is a big one, believe it or not. Unless you're using a formal speaking/writing style, conjunctions are a must. Writers tend to spell everything out and forget the apostrophes.
  • Repetitive words. We replace words used too many times in a sentence or paragraph so your writing stays fresh.
  • Improving your writing. We like to educate our writers as we work with them. You'll emerge on the other side of one of our edits with new knowledge and new tools in your writer's box. Plus, the next time you use our services, it'll be less expensive because you won't be making the same mistakes.

When we're done with the second edit, we shoot the manuscript off to another member of IBGW for proofreading. That member will look over the manuscript with an eagle eye and let us know if we missed a period, comma, or misspelled a word.

It takes a team to create a book. Luckily, a team is what we are. Your one-stop-shop for all your editing needs.

Who do you use for your editing? Why not try us out? Fill out our form today and get started on the second step to becoming published. Love your manuscript enough to use the very best!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
